Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Reality of Magick

The Reality of Magick

Authenticity of Magic in the real world

The Reality of Magick

Answering the actuality of magic in modern times

If we recall our childhood memories very carefully we will certainly remember how most of us would love watching magicians and the magic shows that they conducted. We even use to think that these magic tricks are authentic and had the power to do the impossible.

We loved the way in which the magician used to turn complex items to entertaining simple thing in a fraction of a second. Our belief on these magic spells that the magician used grew with every magic show we have enjoyed.

But as days goes past, with increasing age and maturity we believe that these magic spells are nothing but tricks of hand. We lose our faith on the magic spells and start looking at the real world with a lot of logical approach.
The Reality of Magick


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