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Sunday, August 30, 2020
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Friday, August 21, 2020
What you must know about Magic

All you want to know about the magical terms and spells
Open Sim Simi and other spells working in real just for you
,,Introduction: Magic termsThere are numerous people that are interested in learning magic and it is essential to have an understanding of magical denotations and terms.
This is basically a star and it is used for representing spirits along with 4 elements. It is also Wicca magical symbol. Babylonians and Ancient Greeks used this Pentagrams and it is also used for symbolizing wounds of Jesus Christ. This is not only hallmark of Christians, but for Jews as well.
This is an appearance of witchcraft and it is worshipped by goddess and god. It is imperative that deities are worshipped by everyone. This is one of the religions that are associated with spell casting and white magic.
This is basically a sorcery or magic and it is associated with Wiccan religion and witches. You can use this as a black magic and this is basically used to harm others. It is also associated with white magic that is used to spread positive, protecting and uplifting people.
This is used to denote those communities or people who does not belong to any religion and worship more than one God. This person mainly belongs to Greeks or ancient Romans (polytheistic religion). These people are known as Neopagans because they are the worshippers of nature.
Spell Casting
This is an art of fulfilling the desires of people through the help of rhyming words and incantations. It also makes use of magical materials and great concentration is required for performing this art.
Spell Caster
In order to fulfill all your dreams, this form of magic is used. These powers are acquired by wizard or warlock and it involves a lot of rigorous study.
This is basically a sorcerer or female magician and she is a Wicca follower. She is bestowed with powers and can cast magical spell on others. Warlock is known as male counterpart of the same.
Candle Ceremony
This is a ceremony in many candles are used to represent Gods and Goddesses. These candles represent justice, wisdom and faith.
Rhyming words or incantation that will be having magical effect and all wishes will get fulfilled. This is basically used to spell riches, love, health, protection and luck.
This is one of the supernatural ways through which events can be controlled and nature worships can be performed. It can be used for the benefit of mankind.
These people have powerful sixth sense and have strong aura. They can easily access information through spiritual world and they can predict future through their subconscious mind.
This is practiced in Caribbean countries and is an occult religion. This combines beliefs of West African. All things in nature comprise of ceremonial elements and souls and they can talk with trances and voodoo elements.
These are cards and it is used in occult religion and Wicca. These are used for the purpose of predicting future. The set comprises of 78 cards and are used for depicting elemental forces.
This is popular as clairvoyants or psychics. These are basically utilized for predicting the future of people and spreading the energy all over.
Friday, August 14, 2020
The Reality of Magick
Authenticity of Magic in the real world

Answering the actuality of magic in modern times
If we recall our childhood memories very carefully we will certainly remember how most of us would love watching magicians and the magic shows that they conducted. We even use to think that these magic tricks are authentic and had the power to do the impossible.
We loved the way in which the magician used to turn complex items to entertaining simple thing in a fraction of a second. Our belief on these magic spells that the magician used grew with every magic show we have enjoyed.
But as days goes past, with increasing age and maturity we believe that these magic spells are nothing but tricks of hand. We lose our faith on the magic spells and start looking at the real world with a lot of logical approach.
When we take our kids to these magic shows we often have to pretend that the spells and the tricks involved in the magic tricks are real, and they are actually happening. This is just done by us in order to make our kids believe the fact that whatever they think is true and thus their faith and level of fun increases even more.
After they reach home they try out their own customized magic spells in order to act as a true magician. We play a very important role in confirming their belief and faith on these magic spells. But if we clearly ask ourselves the fact about the time we lost faith in magic, we might feel confused. We then need to do a little research on whether our faith lost just because it was not real, or did we change our way of looking at various aspects of our lives.
In History, magic was an actual science praised by Kings and the rulers of the World
Proper study about how magic originated and what are its uses will provide us with shocking facts. Actually magic is not just a child's faith on false tricks. Initially in the past, magic was a very important part of life, and thus was taught to almost everyone in the society. Days went on and society changed its way of looking at tricks like magic.
But even now various people in the world exists who not only believe in magic, but make their living out of it. They do not consider magic to be a false faith, but to be an art, which when mastered can help us in real lives. People who generally speak ill about magic nowadays are not actually aware of the intricacies involved in actual magic.
How Magic can help us in our lives?
When we look towards the life around us we will understand the fact that life itself is a magic. Have we ever considered the fact that the mysterious ways in which the elements of nature play a vital role in our life is magical?
We must never forget the fact that elements of nature like earth, water, fire and wind are all nothing but just magic that we overlook in our routine lives, due to lack of time and the inability to look at things with an open heart and enlightened eyes.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Creating Your Own Book of Shadows

A Book of Shadows simply put, is like a journal. It contains all your spells, research, hopes, dreams, etc. To make your own Book of Shadows will need a large three-ring binder and tabs to separate the sections so all your information is easy to find. On the first page of your book write the book title and the date. The second page should have a Book Blessing. The one most commonly used is:
Hearken as the Witches word, Calls the All, a gulf to ford, Bridge the vast realities. An it harm none, do as you please. Elements, protect and guard this book, From wandering eyes and prying look, And fill it with thine ancient power, In this right and ready hour. Powers of the North, the earth below, Help me to live, to learn, to grow. Lend your strength and stability, To practice the Craft, and with love be free. Powers of the East, the wind, the sky, Watch over these pages with thine eye. Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask, That this book be worthy, the Craft and its task. Powers of the South, fire and the hearth, Help these shadows to prove their worth. Infuse them with your healing and passion, So only good comes from the work that is fashioned. Powers of the West, the water and sea, Change and growth are granted thee. Bless these pages with all you know, That righteous readers may learn and grow.
The next section should be entitled Magic Rules and Principles. Write down your own personal principles and beliefs. This will help you stay on the right track and only practice white magic. The fourth section should be named Goals and Aspirations. Write out what your short term goals are and make sure to include the date you wrote it. You can add to this section anytime you want as your goals change. Do the same with your long term goals. The fifth section is your Dreams and Divination Records. Use this section to write out messages you've received in dreams or through some type of divination, such as a reading. This is where you want to record your thoughts and interpretations. You can add to this section whenever you want. Next, make a section for Research. Here you can record all the information you've learned on your path. You may want to make sub-sections for candles, crystals, tarot, etc. The seventh section is for your spells, incantations, and prayers. Record all spells you want to remember. Even if you never use the spell, you may find messages in them especially for you during different times on your journey. Also record any experiences you've had with spells you've used. What you liked, disliked, what didn't work, etc. The next section is for Herbs and Potions. This part of the book will help you keep track of what herbs are good for what purpose and how they work together. Lastly, is the section for closing thoughts. At the end of every year, or when the book is filled, depending on your personal preference for starting a new Book of Shadows, write down the goals you've achieved, reflections on what you've learned. End this section with a blessing of thanks and gratitude to the universe that have helped you on this path and journey in your life.
To the unschooled eye let see, Confusing words and sophistry, Lead them from these sacred pages, And bless their passage through the ages. For free will of all, and harm to none. As I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be!
Friday, August 7, 2020
Information on Magic and what it actually is?

Facts on Magic and its implications
We must be aware of the fact that magic is a subject which is considered ever-evolving and progressive in nature. Magic can make the positive difference we need in our lives. It can heal a person via the psychic power; it can help you fulfill your ambition; it even can help you in solving the real life practical problems that you face in day to day life. Magic can actually help us unlocking the mind power that we possess in order to make a difference in our day to day life.
The various ways to practice magic or witchcraft
Magic is explained by different people in different fields, in their own way. For example the people who deal with the faith of a supernatural existence, to them magic is a method via which people, objects around the people and even the forces of nature can be controlled for a better and effective life. According to them most of the problems can be solved using the power of rituals, charms and magic spells if a person intends to do so. Similarly on the other hand, people who are magicians think and apply magic as tricks in order to do impossible things, and entertain people as supernatural.
The real history of magic and witchcraft
Magic was born thousands of years back in this world. Various cults and communities believe in magic and have their own version of magic spells, rituals for magic, sorcerers, witches and spell casters who make magic possible. These magic specialists make use of it in order to solve the day to day problems of the common people. Various religions accept magic as a form of supernatural activity for the positive results, while others believe it to be the action taken with the assistance of the evil, in order to gain results.
Numerous people have faith on the fact that people who practice magic have the power to channelize energy into various fields, including the life of the people, thus attaining results. These people, also calle spell casters, have the power to talk to spirits and even do the impossible which cannot be done normally by us. People believe that earlier and some of the magicians even no use their power in channelizing the power into the life of the common people in solving problems the problems like health, success, finance, education, black magic done by other people on someone, casting out evil spirits (exorcism), etc…
The distinction between black and white magic
People generally divide magic into two sides. One is said to be black in nature which uses evil power to attain results and the other is good or white magic which makes use of their knowledge in order to solve issues in our lives. It is said that in order to become a complete magician, a person needs to enroll for magic learning programs, where he or she learns the when, how and why of the various magic spells and rituals. Using the knowledge they gain they can serve the common people in solving their real life issues. Thus if anyone faces hard problems in life and has faith on magic, they can use it in order to make things better.